- History:
- At first the families were small and closed to the outside world and other families. A family could be as small as 3-4 members.
- Later clans started to form when some families started becoming large enough(Even 15 members in a small area was already considered rather large) or when multiple families banded under one banner.
- With time diplomatic relations developed between other clans/families of the same species from other areas, and with time also other species, in a similar way to diplamatic relations between Kingdoms or Nobility houses.
- Towards the end of the Medieval era and the start of the Modern era the relations were starting to get rather complex forming a society of sorts. Clans were fusing and the amount of clans lessened while the size of a single clan increased.
- By the start of the 20th Century(1900) there were a handfull of big clans per each species.
- After the 1st World War and it's big death-toll the clans weakened greatly and between the 1st and the 2nd World Wars they slowly started collapsing, while relations between different species started improving and hostilities were dwindling.
- After the 2nd World War most of the clans that survived collapsed, or phased out of relevancy, and with time the only survivng clans were just historical remnants with no actual power and are just existing in name. Hostilities between species largely ceased and in stead of the clans, multi-species societies formed, which were based on geopolitical areas instead of on species or land.
- (Basically families evolved into clans which evolved into societies)
- For the same reason(Persecution) whenever a new Supernaturals was born/created/arrived/infected/etc' he was taken into the family that was responsible for his appearence and raised by them in their own ways.
- Families believed mostly in "Quality over Quantity" and creating/infecting/etc' more Supernaturals was rather uncommon. Some families would rather die out or dwindle than accept "unworthy" or "weak" individuals. The act of "birth" of new members was for the most part a ritual, and if a newly turned member was not satisfactory he was mostly hunted down.
- As a child's mind is still malleable, and can be "corrected", children who become Supernaturals, and for any reason, weren't claimed by any family could be spared by humans and continue to be raised as human. Such children would be a lot of times monitered by authorities, but if they grew to "overcome the devil within" they were often respected and became the village/town's protector, or sometimes even local hero.
- For the most part of the Medieval era, adults who turned, were considered a "too far gone" and didn't have "the pureness of a child" which enabled them to "overcome their evil" and thus were hunted down while they were still inexperienced.
- For the same reason when a chiled happened to get turned, (which was taboo between Families to do on purpose) they were a great asset since they could be molded into whatever the Famiy wanted.
- In later times when Kingdoms started to get bigger, such children who grew as Humans would sometimes become legends and even sometimes granted honorary nobility titles.
- Some Supernatural species that were small in numbers and much stronger individuals(Like the Wendigo, Dragons, Doppelgangers, and similar species) were simply too powerful to be afraid of humans and too uncommon to form groups anyways, and thus such species never really formed any structure or hirarchy, and instead either lived alone or temporary used other families' connections if they needed to communicate or meet.
Vampires vs Werewolves:
- Nobody knows when or why it started but, like in many stories, hostilities between Vampire and Werewolf clans were happening all through the middle ages and up to the modern age.
- With the start of the 1st Word War, for the first time many species, including the Vampires and Werewolves were forced to fight on the same side(Note: Supernaturals weren't forcefully enlisted, only those who volunterred faught, see next subject), and those who faught, survived and returned home, had a very different outlook on their former enemies turned comrades, returning back with tales about their brave brothers and sisters they encountered from other families, which was the starting point towards warmer relations between the two species.
- In the time between the World Wars the relations gradually warmed up, until the 2nd World War at which point a "ceasefire" was officially decleared in the name of the war effort, and instead a divide between the Allied and the Axis sides has occured.
- Shortly after the end of the 2nd World War all species related Vampire-Werewolf hostilities have officially ended.
The World Wars:
- With the 1st World War on the horizon, some countries started recruitment campaigns geared towards Supernaturals, seeing them as great possible assets towards the Great War to come, and started a process of recognition, normalization, and integration of Supernaturals into society as citizen instead of enemies of humanity, in hopes of gaining powerful allies to fight in the wars. Many agreements were made between countries and individual clans, promising them power, land, wealth, status, or official recognition if they support the war. Only a few clans outright refused, most clans sent volunteers, and some clans fully supported the war with all they could for the chance to live a normal life. Ironically the clans that supported the wars the most were the ones hit the hardest in the war.
- In the Great War, Supernaturals were not yet trusted enough to form their own groups or sent to special forces, as prejudice still prevailed, in the fear that they might be a threat, and so most of them were sent to boost infantry forces, surrounded by humans and human command so they could be 'kept in check'. They were sent to the front of the frontlines into the most heated battles to make use of their high survivabilty and powers. At the start of the war they were not allowed into any of the commanding or officer ranks as the thought of a monster leading humans was incomprehensible, but after showing loyalty and bravery, and getting the trust of their peers, some were given commanding roles and ranks, and towards the middle of the war a very small handfull of Supernatural had low ranking officer roles. By the end of the war Supernatural commanders and officers(Although only low ranking ones) were not unheard of.
- With the end of the Great War and the loss of so many lives most clans who participated in the wars were shattered, the ones supporting the war the most paying the heaviest prices. The power of the Supernatural world has greatly suffered and as governments saw an opportunity to weaken the power of the clans retracted most of their agreements and didn't hold any of their promises with the clans. But the "damage" was already done, many of the Supernaturals already started thier integration into the human society, and even "worse" the humans have already started accepting Supernaturals and seeing them as allies, since for most of the humans who faught, seeing and interacting with a Supernatural was no longer strange or uncommon.
- Between the World Wars the power of the clans continued to suffer, but the public's trust and oppinion of Supernaturals only strengthened, and by the start of the World War many Supernaturals were living within humans, and even those who did not, would still walk in human cities, trading with humans, enjoying human art, music, and theater, and while prejudice and speciesism were still high, they were no longer feared and hated in the same ways they were prior.
- Prior to the 2nd World War, when the Nazi ideology was spreading through Germany, questions rose of the Supernaturals' place in the National Sotialistic ideology. Hitler identified Supernaturals of "Aryan" origin to be the proof of Nietzsche's 'Übermensch' and the proof of "Aryans" as a master race. Seeing Supernaturals of non "Aryan" origin as a threat to his ideology, propoganda was spread on the supperiority of "Aryan" Supernaturals, and with time other Supernaturals were shown as inferior, "poisoned" copies of a "True Super Aryan" by Nazi propoganda. Any Supernaturals who opposed the ideology were instead thrown in prisons and were "identified" as spies and not real "Super Aryans".
- In the 2nd World War as the world was divided into two sides, the Supernatural world got largely grouped into 3 different camps:
- The Allies, being met with severe critique after their treatment of the Supernaturals in the 1st World War, feared a response of aggression from the Supernaturals, resulting in a "War on two fronts", have decided not to conscript Supernaturals into the war and instead giving them the choice to enlist, offering immediate official citizenship, contrary to the 'promise' in the 1st World War. At the start not many have enlisted, but as the war went on, but as the scale of it became apparent with cities getting bombed, innocent people getting killed, and the war getting closer to "home" more and more took up arms and enlisted. The Soviets having already indoctrinated the Supernaturals prior to the war, and them already being citizen, have simply conscripted all Supernaturals together with everybody else, labling anybody who opposed a "Deserter, Traitor, and Enemy of the People" and sending them to the Gulags.
- At the same time there were those who stayed mistrusting of humans and wanted to do notihng with their affairs, especially after their betreyal after the 1st World War, and chose to remain secluded and out of the war until the very end.
- The Axis, unlike the allies simply conscripted the Supernatural population, sending to the camps anyone who refused to follow orders.
- After the lessons learned in the 1st World War, instead of simply boosting infantry numbers, most Supernaturals were sent to svarious pecial forces, to best use their powers and abilities. Supernaturals were allowed into commanding and officer roles, and some even occupied high ranking roles in their special forces, some units consisting solely of Supernatural soldiers and having a Supernatural chain of command.
- After the 2nd World War after, a new era began for Supernaturals. The clans fell, hostilities between different species ended, most of the Supernaturals fully integrated into society, and the public's view of them greatly changed for the better, with speciesism slowly dwindling and fading out in the modern world with every passing decade.